Fiber Arts Educator
I love the way that fiber arts is a medium that lends itself to blending chemistry, math and engineering with art. With this in mind, I take any opportunity to bring these two worlds together in my classes. I teach a wide range of fiber arts classes including 4 harness weaving, tapestry weaving, spinning, dyeing, basketry and knitting. There are many ways to overlap these skills to create your own work.
STEAM Educator and Curriculum Developer
STEM to STEAM: Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math - Can we teach creativity?
How can we model the innovative thinking that supports scientific research and discovery?
STEAM programs offer students and teachers an opportunity to practice creativity across the science and art divide. By including arts-integrated lessons and projects in science learning, students have the opportunity to exercise their own imagination and creativity in a science context. By asking students to translate their understanding of science concepts to an art medium (poetry, collage, drama, storytelling for example), they must distill their learning to key elements and then represent them in new ways.
We use big science concepts to jump-start art projects allowing students to learn how to problem-solve and take risks with their thinking in both art and science contexts.
Cancer Metastasis
Enzyme Digest of DNA